Why Should You Drink Only Packaged Drinking Water In India?

Plant Project
13Oct 2017

Why Should You Drink Only Packaged Drinking Water In India?

We need water for survival. However, how can we be able to survive if the water we drink every day is contaminated with all kinds of pollution including the extremely harmful arsenic? Here are a few tips that can help you stay healthy and avoid getting sick because of drinking dirty tap water.

Water is one of the most important elements on earth. As they say, water is life. A few decades ago, water is not as expensive and as unhealthy as today. Unlike the old days, we can no longer take a glass of tap water straight from a public faucet today and drink it directly without worrying about getting infected with some water-borne diseases like Dysentery, Cholera, Typhoid, and Guinea worm disease.

Clean Water

Unfortunately, the tap water in India is no longer safe to drink. In order to stay healthy and to avoid getting sick due to consumption of dirty tap water, I highly recommend that you take below tips seriously.

Avoid ice in drinks

Avoid ice in drinks unless otherwise, you are the one who made it. Do not just buy ice from the local store and add it directly to your drinks. Most often than not, the ice is made from unsanitary tap water. Always remember that not all viruses and bacteria can be killed by keeping the water at the freezing temperature. If you add a contaminated ice, your beverage can also be contaminated.

Use bottled mineral water when brushing your teeth

Best Teeth

The gums can be one of the direct, quickest, and easiest paths that the bacteria and viruses can take to get into your bloodstream. Since the tap water in India is not hundred percent free from pollutants and bacteria, it is best to avoid using it when brushing your teeth. This may sound a bit odd (and expensive too) but it is better to spend a few Indian Rupee for the bottled mineral water than to spend thousands for hospitalization and medication.

Try other beverages

Water and tea are not the only thirst quencher in India. You can try other beverages like fresh coconut water and bottled fruit juices.

Drink fresh chai


There is nothing that can beat the refreshing effects of a fresh, sweet chai tea. Chai is a popular Indian tea. Its main ingredients are sugar, Ayurvedic spices like ginger and cardamom, and lots of milk.

Buy the best packaged drinking water

The packaged drinking water industry in India is continuously growing. As the packaged drinking water plant cost gets more affordable and as the demand continues to increase day after day, more and more local businessmen are encouraged to open their own water plant and jump into the arena of producing safe drinking water. As an evidence, you can see many water refilling stations and mineral water plants in almost all corners in Indias.

water purification

However, not because you bought the drinking water from a water refilling station you will just automatically conclude that it is safe from impurities. Mineral water plants and stations are not created equal. Some companies employ the highest standards with their filtration process while others do not have the best equipment for the filtration process. And this gives a huge difference when it comes to the product they produce.

You can basically find various brands of mineral water in India. When buying a bottled mineral drinking water, make it sure that you know where it came from and if the company is reliable. If possible, pick the one that is produced by giant companies as they tend to have more rigid safety standards as compared to unknown brands.

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